Internet Economy Summit (Organized by HKSAR Government & Cyberport)

Mon, 2019/04/15 - 09:00 to Tue, 2019/04/16 - 18:00
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

Internet Economy Summit (IES) is Asia’s Technology flagship event for innovation and collaboration with top-notch international and local tech heavyweights and innovators, who offer their visions into the digital future.

亞洲創新科技與協作交流的旗艦盛事 — 「互聯網經濟峰會」將於2019年4月15至16日載譽歸來!今屆峰會雲集來自中外頂尖科技與創新企業專家,與大家一同探討科技發展所帶來的新機遇。

Register Now:

We are giving out free 2-day admission pass on a first come first served basis. 
Please email to with the subject "Free IES Pass" if you would like to get a pass!

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