Sat, 2019/07/06 - 10:00 to 17:00
CUHK Pi Centre (Lady Ho Tung Hall)
【CUHK-SCMP Innovation and Entrepreneurship Challenge 2019 】
有搞自己生意嘅諗頭,但係唔知點樣開始?CUHK-SCMP Innovation and Entrepreneurship Challenge 2019 可以幫到你!7月嘅Innovation and Entrepreneurship Certificate workshop會教你創業嘅基本知識,而8月嘅比賽會係一個測試你訓練成果嘅好機會!
Thinking of making your business idea a reality, but don't know how, or where to start? The CUHK-SCMP Innovation and Entrepreneurship Challenge 2019 is the perfect workshop for you! The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Certificate workshop will feature business experts who will teach you all the basic essentials. A start-up competition in August will put your ideas to the test!