Marketing PR Tools for Startups

Fri, 2019/09/27 - 18:30 to 20:00
Mr. BC Lo (盧炳松先生), Former Vice President (Public Affairs) of HK Disneyland Resort
407 Wu Ho Man Yuen Building

Language: Cantonese

***Due to an overwhelming response, the registration for the workshop has been closed.***

Searching for a way to boost your business? Look no further, Pi Centre has invited Mr. BC Lo, an expert on marketing & PR to share helpful marketing PR tools for startups. Don't miss out!

點樣先可以提升初創企業嘅知名度同暴光率呢?想學多啲,就唔好錯過工作坊!Pi Centre請嚟公關經驗豐富嘅盧炳松先生,同我哋分享實用市場營銷同公關嘅工具!

Register now!
*This is a compulsory workshop for current Pi Teams

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