Wed, 2019/10/30 - 18:30 to 19:30
Mr. Derek Ng, CEO, Parami
CUHK Pi Centre (Lady Ho Tung Hall)
Language: Cantonese
*The sharing will be conducted in fireside chat format.
Parami由Mr. Derek Ng(新亞2003 計算機工程)創辦,係一間為服務和銷售行行業提供AI chatbot嘅公司。 想知道佢點樣從零開始, 做電商賺到1億美元, 再轉型做AI?快啲報名參加依個分享會啦!
Parami is a company that provides an automated chatbot system as a solution for service and sales. Want to know how they were able to start from scratch to working in e-commerce, and finally developing business in AI industry? Come along and learn more in this sharing session!