This event is organised by WTIA - more details could be found on the homepage here.
The event of the year for the Start-up industry, ICT Startup Award 2021 steered by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer and leading organised by Hong Kong Wireless Technology Association is now open for application.
The Award aims at discovering and recognising the outstanding local ICT startup companies which focus on software, hardware, and social innovation areas and, reward their distinguished development based on its growth, innovation, creativity, functionality market potential and performance.
There are a total of THREE award streams including Software and Apps, Hardware and Devices and Social impact. Applicants may select one of the above three streams for enrolment.
Application Deadline: 16 July 2021 (Fri); 5:00pm
Further details and conditions are available at the website:
*We are opening a call for applications for any start-up that is incorporated after 17 July 2016 according to its Business Registration. *
每年一度的初創企業業界盛事,由政府資訊科技總監辦公室統籌,並由香港無線科技商會籌辦的 2021香港資訊及通訊科技獎: 「資訊科技初創企業獎」現正接受報名!
2021香港資訊及通訊科技獎:資訊科技初創企業獎旨在鼓勵及表揚本地出色的軟件、硬件和社會創新領域的初創公司,根據其發展、創新、創意力、功能性、市場潛力及表現以褒獎其傑出的發展。資訊科技初創企業獎共有三個獎項組別: 軟件及應用服務, 硬件與設備 以及社會貢獻,參賽者可於以上其中一個組別為項目報名參賽。資訊科技初創企業獎與其餘七個獎項類別均設有一個大獎,最終評審委員會將從八個大獎中甄選出「全年大獎」
• 免費使用創新中心內的初創協作基地「Lion Rock 72」或位於香港科學園培育中心的共享工 作空間三個月(只限於中小企業)。
• 免費使用數碼港共享工作空間Smart-Space內的靈活辦工桌三個月(只限於中小企業)。
• 協助參與香港天使投資脈絡舉辦的投資配對活動。
• 免費參與本地大型資訊及通訊科技活動(如「國 際資訊科技博覽」) 以拓展商機。